Greek Tragedy Story Project

This week we were put into groups and collectively devised a story that adhered to Joseph Campbell's Monomyth theory. Our group had to create a story in keeping with the theme of Ancient Greece. We chose to make ours a tragedy since that is one of Ancient Greece's culturally traditional story types. This project will be our base for the Art Style Guide we will create later on. Here is the link to the presentation: Powerpoint_GreekTragedy.

Our group members are Noah Hunter, Alyssa Lutz, Zack Henderson, Joe Chu, Fabiana DeLilla, Guilain Despointes, Christian Tuttle, Kevin Cheng, Jerome Jesuraj, and me.

This is the photobashed image I created for one of the slides, which sort of represents the feel we are considering for the style guide. This is the link to the Pinterest page I created as well: Greek Style Book . The others added their found images to the powerpoint.


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